Does Anyone Feel Like They Become a Better Parent After Divorce?

As divorce attorneys who practice here in Florida, one frequent concern we hear from clients is that getting a divorce will negatively affect their children. However, an important parenting article was recently published about the potential for divorce to actually make someone a better parent, especially if the home is suddenly free from the arguing and tension that was present before the divorce, as we discuss below.
Money Management
Money management is one such issue that a number of people indicate can get better after divorce. Most of what married couples fight about relates to money and, therefore, going from disagreeing on spending or saving to managing finances oneself sometimes decreases stress; even if one suddenly has to budget differently as a single parent. This is often the case if there is a certain amount of freedom within a new budget and the ability to choose where to spend money; as well as having the opportunity to perhaps get rid of certain expenses that were perhaps linked to one’s spouse only. Many individuals also indicate that they enjoy having a certain amount of freedom in terms of building a savings account, budgeting money, and their own debts.
Household Management
Household management is another issue many people site becomes less stressful after divorce. Many couples disagree on what exactly needs to be done in order to get a house in order. However, as a single parent, they are happy to set the standards in their new home and decide what is and is not important. In addition, many people indicate that their children sometimes step up to the plate to help with chores where before they might not have.
For a lot of single parents, the home simply becomes a calmer place where families can engage in new activities and traditions based on the freedom that they have on their own after divorce. Some of this freedom simply comes from making their own decisions and not having to coordinate with someone else, in their own home, including the freedom to put their children first, if need be.
Other Benefits
Other ways divorce makes some even better parents include:
- Children benefiting from watching parents learn how to navigate the unexpected;
- No longer having to choose between a spouse’s and child’s needs;
- Learning how to love “me time,” and having this serve a lesson to your kids;
- Children “learning the value of a dollar”;
- Parents “trying harder” in order to make sure the divorce does not negatively affect their children; and
- Parents valuing every minute spent with their children even more.
Contact Our Florida Divorce Attorneys Today
If you are going through divorce here in Florida or have any family law-related questions, contact our experienced Orlando divorce attorneys at Greater Orlando Family Law today to find out how we can help.