Orlando Family Attorney
Dedicated to Serving All Your Family Law Needs
Greater Orlando Family Law is a comprehensive family law practice serving individuals and families throughout Orlando and surrounding areas. You can count on us to deliver high-quality, professional advice and representation in any Orlando family law matter. See below for a brief description of some of our main areas of practice, click on a topic for more detail, or call Greater Orlando Family Law at 407-377-6399 to schedule an initial consultation with one of our compassionate and dedicated Orlando family attorneys.
- Contempt & Enforcement
- Contested & Uncontested Divorce
- DCF/Dependency Hearings
- Divorce
- Domestic Violence
- Fathers’ Rights
- Mediation
- Modifications
- Parent Coordination
- Past Due Support Collection
- Paternity
- Prenuptial Agreement
- Relocation
- Simplified Dissolution & Annulments
- Step-Parent Adoption
Although every couple enters into marriage thinking or hoping that it is forever, the simple fact is that a great many marriages these days end in divorce. Whether one party was at-fault in causing the divorce or the couple simply came to realize they have irreconcilable differences, a divorce is sometimes the best move the couple can make for their long-term happiness. Our Orlando divorce lawyers are there throughout the process to make sure our clients are well-represented in the property division as well as alimony, child custody and child support. Our skilled and experienced family law attorneys handle contested & uncontested divorce, military divorce, high net worth divorces, same-sex divorce, simplified dissolution and more. We have a large staff of smart and skilled lawyers ready to advise and represent you in any marriage dissolution.
Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements
When there is a financial disparity between individuals entering marriage, or there was a prior relationship that ended in a bitter divorce or produced children who need to be protected and cared for, a prenuptial agreement can set out the terms of property division and alimony to protect both parties in the event of divorce. The truth is that any couple can benefit from the security and peace of mind a prenuptial agreement can bring. Our Orlando family law attorneys provide sound advice and assistance in the negotiation, drafting or review of prenuptial as well as postnuptial agreements.
Paternity affects a father’s rights to custody and visitation, as well as a father’s obligation to pay child support. Paternity therefore is of vital importance to both parents in an Orlando divorce or child custody dispute. Establishing parentage is also vital to a child’s future, including gaining access to insurance and government benefits, inheritance, medical history information, and the emotional well-being of knowing one’s parentage. We represent mothers, fathers, children and alleged fathers in Orange County paternity proceedings.
Fathers’ rights
Despite Florida’s gender-neutral family laws, biases and stereotypes still persist that too often place the father in the position of paying the most child support and receiving the least amount of parenting time, even when such an arrangement is not in the father’s or the children’s best interests. We represent fathers in divorce, child custody, paternity and legitimation and more to make sure they are receiving good advice and excellent representation to achieve a fair result that meets their needs.
Mediation & Collaborative Divorce
Divorce doesn’t have to be a battle. There are constructive ways to deal with conflict and reach agreement that meets everyone’s needs and interests without setting up a “win/lose” situation. Our family law attorneys are well-versed in family law mediation, collaborative divorce and other litigation alternatives to help you get what you need without destroying important family relationships that continue even after a divorce.
Step-Parent Adoption
Adopting your spouse’s children is an important step in solidifying your family, giving your step-children a sense of love and belonging that is invaluable to their development and well-being. Adopted step-children can also benefit from your employment, health insurance, veteran status, inheritance rights and countless other ways. Completing a step-parent adoption may be simple or complex depending on the status of the children’s other biological parent. We’ll explore your situation and advise you on your options, and we’ll guide you through the appropriate procedure that is best for you and your new family.
DCF/Dependency Hearings
It’s mind-numbing how quickly your children can be removed from your home based on allegations of abuse or neglect, and the fight falls on your shoulders to prove you are fit to get your children back and avoid a termination of parental rights. We know the system, and we’ll act strongly and expeditiously on your side to see that family reunification occurs successfully and as swiftly as possible.
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence may be a factor that leads to a divorce, or it may first rear its head after a divorce petition has been filed and emotions get overheated. The fact of domestic violence can play a significant role in divorce or child custody, and even the payment of alimony or the division of marital property, such as who gets the family home. If domestic violence is a factor in your divorce or child custody dispute, we’ll make sure the facts are known and handled appropriately, including dealing with false allegations or unfounded accusations as well as factual and accurate claims.
Call Greater Orlando Family Law Attorneys for All Your Florida Family Law Needs
For personal service from a team of experienced attorneys and rising stars in Florida family law, contact Greater Orlando Family Law at 407-377-6399 for a free, 30-minute consultation on your family law needs.