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Monthly Archives: November 2022


Can I Lose Family Heirlooms In A Florida Divorce?

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

Is your fear of losing precious family heirlooms and personal assets keeping you from moving forward with a divorce? If so, you are not alone. Many people have heard horror stories about others who have lost everything going through a divorce, but that does not have to be your story. In fact, many people… Read More »

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Help! My Ex Is Ignoring Custody Orders

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

Custody orders are meant to serve the best interests of your child by ensuring that they can have a stable life while maintaining and developing healthy relationships with both of their parents, so when one parent chooses to ignore these orders, courts take it very seriously. If your ex is violating the terms of… Read More »

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Will I Have To Pay Child Support?

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

Being ordered to be child support can be a scary thought for some parents, especially if they are already doing their best to provide for their child and are struggling to make ends meet. However, If you have a child in Florida, it is a condition of establishing that paternity that you pay monthly… Read More »

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How Is Fine Art Divided In A Florida Divorce?

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

If you have invested years and huge sums of money in collecting fine artwork, the thought of potentially losing it all in a divorce can be devastating. The process of dividing assets can be one of the most challenging and difficult aspects of a divorce; requiring couples to essentially deconstruct their life together piece… Read More »

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