Category Archives: Prenuptial Agreements

Do I Need A Florida Prenuptial Agreement Before Getting Married?
When you plan to spend the rest of your life with someone, you might not think there is any need to protect your rights and financial interests through a prenuptial agreement. However, you may not realize the specific reasons why having a structure in place is important if the relationship breaks down. Florida’s statute… Read More »

5 Things to Consider Before Signing a Prenuptial Agreement in Florida
A prenuptial agreement, commonly referred to as a prenup, is a critical legal document signed between two people before they get married. The agreement covers a variety of issues regarding the parties’ assets and property rights. What You Need to Consider Before Signing a Prenup Basically, a prenup determines who gets what if the… Read More »

4 Situations When You Should Modify a Prenuptial Agreement in Florida
For engaged and married couples, signing a prenuptial agreement offers a level of comfort and assurance in knowing how their property and finances will be split up in the event of a divorce. A prenup can be a useful document for all couples, even those who have no plans to get divorced. A prenuptial… Read More »

Are There Circumstances That Make Having a Prenup Non-Negotiable?
Regardless of whether a couple feels that discussing a prenuptial agreement is romantic or not, there are three circumstances under which they are absolutely essential: where one individual has significantly more assets than the other, when there is a family business involved on one side of the marriage, and when there are second marriages… Read More »

Can A Prenuptial Agreement Override The Requirements Of Laws Such As the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)?
Prenuptial agreements are an important part of providing security for a number of individuals and couples contemplating marriage, especially if there are children from previous families and concerns property division expectations, for example. However, it is important to note that prenuptial agreements must also be in accordance with what the law dictates; for example,… Read More »

Getting Engaged? Consider Discussing a Prenup
For some, the concept of bringing up prenuptial agreements with their loved ones when they’re getting engaged is daunting. However, today, prenuptial agreements are now more important than ever, regardless of how wealthy couples are, especially for those who are entering their second or subsequent marriage, later in life, when they have additional assets… Read More »