How Much Does a Divorce Cost in Orlando, Florida?

Prior to filing for divorce, nearly everyone wonders how much the entire process would cost. Determining how much your divorce would cost in Orlando, Florida, is tricky because many factors influence the total cost of your divorce. Those factors include:
- Attorney fees;
- Each spouse’s willingness to compromise;
- The number of contested issues; and
- Whether the case is heading to trial.
According to a 2020 study by 24/7 Tempo, the average cost of a divorce without children in Florida is $13,500, and over $20,000 for divorces with children.
While it may be difficult to estimate the total cost of your divorce in Florida, this blog post will help you determine filing and court costs in the city of Orlando.
The Cost of Divorce in Orlando, Florida
Regardless of whether you choose to hire an Orlando divorce attorney or decide to represent yourself, you will have to pay the filing fees, which are $397.50, plus a $10.50 recording fee in the city of Orlando. In Florida, filing fees for an uncontested divorce are approximately the same as for a contested divorce, which is a total of $408.
However, if you have no disputed issues in your uncontested divorce (in other words, you and your spouse agree on alimony, child support, and other issues), you can avoid costs for the summons and service of process fees. Seeking legal help from an Orlando family law attorney can reduce the cost of your divorce in Florida by facilitating negotiations and turning your contested divorce into an uncontested one.
Contested divorces in Florida entail additional court proceedings, which increase court costs and attorney fees. The cost of your divorce substantially decreases if you are able to settle your divorce out of court and avoid litigation. As long as your lawyer’s role is limited to being your adviser, negotiator, and drafter of your divorce-related documents and agreements, attorney fees are expected to be reasonable and affordable.
In other words, the fewer contested issues there are, the lower the total cost of your divorce in Orlando, Florida, not to mention that you will be able to finalize your divorce faster if your divorce is uncontested.
How Long Will an Uncontested Divorce Take in Orlando, Florida?
As a rule of thumb, uncontested divorces take up to six weeks. The timeline of divorce in Orlando, Florida, depends on whether the court requires a final hearing to finalize the divorce or whether the divorcing parties are allowed to submit a proposed final judgment that was prepared by their attorneys.
Typically, Florida requires a waiting period of 20 days from the date of filing before the judge can sign a final judgment. A contested divorce, on the other hand, can take from 10 months to over two years, depending on the complexity of the case.
Consult with a skilled Orlando divorce attorney to estimate the cost of your divorce and determine how long it will take to finalize the divorce. Contact our lawyers at Greater Orlando Family Law for a case evaluation. Call at 407-377-6399 to receive an initial consultation.