Is There Any Recourse for Domestic Violence Victims in Florida During the Coronavirus Outbreak?

There is no question that the coronavirus outbreak continues to affect more and more family law issues here in Florida every week, from divorced parents concerned about having to potentially send their child to the other parent’s household even though they could be exposed to the virus there, to couples that feel constrained by stay-home orders that force them to spend all day, every day together, and, as a result, are perhaps now considering divorce, to those who are panicked about needing to file modifications to court orders while the courts are handling most hearings by video, and more.
In addition, without any breaks, and with adding in a significant amount of fear due to a pandemic, violence can sometimes erupt. Unfortunately, the isolation and fear that this virus seems to encourage and spread is also creating the perfect storm for domestic violence cases, which have been escalating since the virus has been impacting our day-to-day lives. A number of couples find it difficult to be in a home together, and the conditions that have been created by the virus crisis, including fear of one’s compromised health and safety, potential job loss, worry over loved ones, income strain, etc. have created a pressure-cooker-like situation for many, making it more likely that abuse will occur in a number of households. Some have also reported concerns over how abusive partners are leveraging COVID-19 to further control, coerce, isolate, and bring about fear in the relationship. Other unique characteristics of the outbreak have also created opportunities that have fostered domestic violence, such as abusers more easily being able to follow their victims due to a lack of traffic.
If You Are a Victim of Domestic Violence in Florida, You Still Have Help During This Time
It is important to remember that, even with the court closures in Florida, domestic violence attorneys, judges, and law enforcement are still actively working to help victims of domestic violence during this time. In addition, Florida’s domestic violence centers are also ready for domestic violence victims who are trapped by the virus, as they are deemed to be “essential services.” In addition, while Florida courts have virtually shut down, they are open to abuse victims who need protective or restraining orders. State Attorney’s Offices have indicated that emergency restraining and harassment orders will be heard despite courts closing due to COVID-19.
If you have a protective order, you should carry it with you at all times. If you need assistance obtaining protection from domestic violence because you believe you are in danger, our experienced Orlando domestic violence attorneys can help with your case. Contact Greater Orlando Family Law today to speak with one of our domestic violence attorneys as soon as possible and find out how we can help.