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Monthly Archives: October 2022


Are You Filing For A Gray Divorce?

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

Are you over 50 and filing for divorce? If your spouse is too, you are officially filing for a gray divorce. Gray divorce is the term used to describe divorces between spouses who are over 50 years of age. These divorces used to be the most rare, however, the rate of divorce between spouses… Read More »

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What’s The Cheapest Way To Get Divorced?

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

If you and your spouse are ready to dissolve your marriage, you may be wondering how you can do so while preserving your marital assets. After all, it’s kind of adding salt to the wound to force you to divide your assets and deplete them in the process. The good news is that you… Read More »

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What Is Florida’s Best Interest Of The Child Standard?

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

Custody can be one of the most stressful and emotionally-taxing aspects of a divorce. It can be terrifying to hand over a life-changing decision that can impact everyone in your family to a judge who has never met you. It can also be hard to understand in some cases why a judge reached the… Read More »

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Why Divorce Can Be Bad For Business

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

Many people are not prepared for the equitable division of assets during a divorce. They are rarely prepared to come to terms with everything that is essentially up for grabs. One of the biggest surprises for many people is that their independently owned businesses may be treated as marital property and divided between them… Read More »

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